Thursday, February 25, 2010

Garlic Bread Doesn't Get Any Easier

Remember that toast sitting next to the frittata in my last post? That, my readers, is the easiest garlic bread you'll ever make.

Olive Oil
Garlic Salt

It seems a little misleading to even call this a recipe. Three ingredients and barely as many steps. The hardest part is finding the right bread. A French baguette or Italian bread will do nicely. Basically, though, you'll want a nice, crusty loaf - something that you can cut into thick slabs.
Lay your slices out on a baking sheet and drizzle them with olive oil. You'll want to get a nice, even coating so feel free to use a brush if you have one. A paper towel can be used to effectively spread the oil as well.
Next, sprinkle some garlic salt over the whole kit and caboodle. Be careful, though, because its potent stuff. Too much will overload your taste buds in the final product, but just enough will provide all the garlicky goodness you'll need.
Place the baking sheet on the top rack of a 400 degree oven for about 10 minutes. Keep an eye on it because it'll burn quickly. Once it's brown and crispy, it's done.
Is it fine dining? Not quite, but it's pretty much interchangeable with the garlic bread you'll find at just about any restaurant. It's a damn fine second fiddle to an appropriate entree.


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