Sunday, February 7, 2010

Ultimate Mexican Pizza

I'll admit in advance that I had been enjoying several margaritas while preparing this dinner. I understand that, because of that, you may be suspicious about this next statement. Mexican Pizza is, quite possibly, the best dish I've ever made for dinner.

Also, please forgive the quality of this post's pictures. They were taken with my phone, rather than my usual camera.

2 Boboli Pizza Crusts
1 Can Refried Beans
1 1/2 lbs. Ground Turkey
1 Onion
1 Packet of Taco Seasoning
Mexican Blend Cheese
Cherry Tomatoes
Black Olives
Shredded Lettuce

Preheat the oven to 415 degrees. Put a large pan over medium heat on the stove. Slice the onion into very small pieces; a dice would be even better if you're confident enough in your knife skills. Lightly sautee the onion before adding the ground turkey.

Once the ground turkey is nicely browned and broken up, add the taco seasoning to the pan, according to the directions on the packet.

Around this time, lightly brush the pizza crusts with oil and place them in the oven for approximately 10 minutes. There's going to be a lot of Mexican goodness piled on these crusts, so it's a good idea to crisp them up a bit first. The process gives them a bit more structural integrity. While waiting on the crusts, open up your canned goods and get a couple baking sheets ready for the payload.

Pizza crusts at the ready, spoon on a healthy amount of refried beans and spread it out like tomato sauce. On top of that, apply a thick layer of the ground turkey/onion mixture. Sprinkle cheese on top of everything and put the pizzas back in the oven. Once the cheese is melted and bubbly, they're done. It'll take about 15 minutes or so.

While you're waiting, get your guacamole ready and slice up all your veggies and toppings. Lay them out nicely on a serving plate and mix yourself another drink.

Serving Suggestions:
A layer of guacamole applied on top of the pizza is the best kind of edible glue there is. Press your olives, tomatoes, jalapenos, and lettuce into that delicious mortar and enjoy. If you've done it right, the slice will look incredibly unwieldy. Your crust should handle it nicely, but a fork and knife is always an option if you're scared. Salsa and hot sauce should be invited to the fiesta as well.


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