Hello, B.A. Gourmet-niacs! You thought I had abandoned you, didn't you? It's been a while, I know, but I do have an excuse for not posting a single recipe this month. I swear.
The truth is that the B.A. Gourmet is now the graduate school gourmet (Don't worry, there won't be any confusing name change). By that, I mean that I have enrolled in graduate school. I've spent the last few weeks packing, moving, unpacking, and adjusting to my return to academia. I haven't had much time for cooking, or, at least, cooking anything new and exciting.
I'm hopeful, though. Living on my own means that I'll be responsible for feeding myself every day of the week. Since I'm not made of money, I'll be cooking more often than not. That should mean a return to normalcy shortly.
In the meantime, I have a recipe-esque kind of peace offering: Super Duper Chunky Peanut Butter and Jelly.
Chunky Peanut Butter
Jelly (I prefer raspberry)
Don't worry, I'm not going to tell you how to make a PBJ, step by agonizing step. It's up there with boiling water in the world of kitchen basics.
My variation on the sandwich, though, means sprinkling a handful of granola on top of the peanut butter before assembly.
I inherited a bag of somewhat bland granola from a loved one who was trying to get more fiber in her diet. Since I'm a fan of the texture of chunky peanut butter anyway, I thought this might be a way to put it to good use.
This will definitely be the crunchiest peanut butter and jelly sandwich you've ever eaten. If that appeals to you, you'll be in heaven. Embrace the inner schoolchild and consume with potato chips, carrot sticks, chocolate milk, whatever.
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