Thursday, February 24, 2011

Apple Crisp

Let the Kit-tastrophe continue! No, no, no... that name won't work. Kit and Caboodle? Kitting Around? Break me off a piece of that Kit Kat Blog?!

Eh, whatever, we'll figure it out together.

This week's featured food kit is McCutcheon's Apple Crisp Mix. My parents picked it up for me from Delicious Orchards--famed for its pies, turnovers, and apple cider doughnuts, among other things. It's got a great reputation for baked goods, so I was willing to bet that this would be a winner.

1/2 Package of McCutcheon's Apple Crisp Mix
2 Large Apples
4 Tablespoons of Butter

First things first: you'll have to peel and slice the apples. At the supermarket, I chose braeburn because (1) they looked ripe and (2) they were on special, which is all the reason I've ever needed to buy anything.

I sliced them about 1/8 of an inch thick and dumped them into a round baking dish that's been greased up with some butter. (In the interest of complete discretion, McCutcheon's recommends a pie dish, but I don't currently own one.)

Next, melt four tablespoons of butter in the microwave and add the McCutcheon's mix. Stir until delightful little clumps of crisp topping form.

Spread the topping over the prepared apples and remove to a 375 degree oven for 30 minutes.

As we all know, there's only one thing to do with warm apple crisp . . . smother it in vanilla ice cream and consume!

Overall, I was pretty satisfied with this product. I found it to be a little dry, but perhaps that's because I'm used to syrupy-soaked, restaurant-purchased crisps. The topping had a chewy, oatmeal-like texture.


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