As it turns out, being a cook is a lot like being a writer.
Let me explain.
Once I openly identified myself as a writer to friends and family, it became surprisingly easy to shop for me during the holidays. The notebooks and pen sets just came rolling in. Since I'm a cook now, as well, this Christmas I received my fair share of cookbooks and kits.
For example, I present to you Moose Grub "Beer Bread in a Bottle," straight from Bar Harbor!
My family knows me too well. I like beer. I like bread. Let's make this happen.
1 Moose Grub "Beer Bread in a Bottle"
1 12 Oz. Beer (Room Temperature)
Non-stick Cooking Spray
The good folks at Bar Harbor really make things easy for you. First, empty the contents of the "Beer Bread in a Bottle" into a large bowl. The dry mix contains just about everything you need.
Next, add a room temperature beer of your choice to the mix.
The kit encourages you to experiment with the beer you use, stating that light and dark beer may be used and that each will bring its own unique flavor to the party. I chose my own personal favorite draft: Yuengling.
Stir the mix and beer to thoroughly combine.
I was quite happy with the way the bread turned out. I ended up with a sourdough-style loaf with just a hint of that delicious Yuengling taste. It was a little crumbly, but still suitable for sandwich or any other use.
I was quite happy with the way the bread turned out. I ended up with a sourdough-style loaf with just a hint of that delicious Yuengling taste. It was a little crumbly, but still suitable for sandwich or any other use.
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